Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Transformation of the Ancestors" by Cheri Lynn Kittel (Spoken Word Artist from Arizona(AZ))

Cheri Lynn Kittel's latest release is "Transformation of the Ancestors" and is primarily a motivational spoken word album but also consists of Shamanic drumming that is designed to accompany and supplement the story. "Transformation of the Ancestors" is the story of enlightenment as told by Kittel and is thought provoking with her spoken words of intention, prayer, journey, and manifestation from the ways of the Shamanic. It also contains examples of Shamanic singing. "Shamanic Drum - For Journey Work" is a relaxing recording of Shamanic drumming intended to guide you along on your own spiritual journey. This is an album that would be perfect for those interested in learning from the stories and music of the Shamanic culture or maybe enhance their spiritual beings. If that sounds like something that would capture your attention, then take a listen to Cheri Lynn Kittel's "Transformation of the Ancestors."

-Sean B. and the Reviewer Team
Check out Cheri Lynn Kittel's music on with link to purchase and links to popular sites